Yesterday’s Sky - Reviewed
ISBN 978-0979067730 | $24.95
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“Over the past two or three years, many astrology books have been published about the relevance of the Lunar Nodes, but here we have the master of this technique as he presents the philosophical framework, the cookbook reference sections, and the clear interpretive methodology . . . Mastering the material in Yesterday’s Sky will make anyone a better astrologer.” – Dell HOROSCOPE read full review
“This beautifully crafted book has so many gifts in it that it would require many more pages to list them all. The main one in my opinion is an innate respect for each and every soul that is evident in all pages of the book, through a style of writing that is compassionate yet concise. This book is intellectually stimulating, spiritually uplifting and emotionally nurturing. I recommend it for astrologers and non-astrologers alike, at all levles of their studies. This is a truly special book.” – Margaret Gray, ISAR Journal
“Yesterday’s Sky is written in Steven’s easy-to-read style. Readers of his other SKY books will be familiar with his warm, gentle approach to writing but, as always, will walk away touched by his depth and wisdom.”
“This book is an amazingly wonderful book on karmic astrology. Eye opening and enthralling, even the traditional “cookbook” parts. I had so many moments of true realization. When I read what my South Node in Gemini Squared Jupiter means karmically…I cannot tell you how profound that was. An issue I have been struggling with and one that has had me puzzled for years was made crystal clear.” –Kathy Dannel Vitcak, Amazon Vine
“This book, and the techniques it elaborates, can change not only the way you view astrology, but the way you view your life. It is indeed a life-changing book! I am confidant that one day history will regard this book as one of the great and seminal works of modern astrology, the moment when Astrology finally took its place in the sun as Sacred Psychology…a profound healing art and a clear strong resonant voice for the Soul.” –Paul Richard, Portland, OR
“Steven Forrest has written the book that beautifully and clearly sets out the principles of Evolutionary Astrology – astrology premised on the idea that our chart reflects the soul’s current state and that by evaluating the nodes of the moon and planets ruling and aspecting the nodes we can weave together a symbolic past-life story that will help us compassionately understand and heal our karma. Forrest explains the philosophy clearly as well as providing a simple cookbook type approach to help break down the details. Definitely recommended.” –Kay Taylor, Walnut Creek, CA
“Yesterday’s Sky cranks it all up several notches by putting the “Evolutionary” into astrology. His quiver loaded with deep insights from thousands of hours of studying and learning from his clients and students (as well as a mind-boggling reservoir of examples, from literature to history to religion to music), Steven shoots straight to the heart of reincarnation.” –Sven Eberlin, San Francisco, CA
Full Review by Margaret Gray from the ISAR Journal
“Steven Forrest’s latest book Yesterday’s Sky shines a transformative light into the labyrinth of our evolutionary voyage with depth, compassion, and spiritual insight.”
Read Full Review Part 1 here.
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