Inner Sky was the book that instantly rose my understanding of astrology, as something full of hope, free of the rigid determinism I was used to it, while Yesterday Sky was the book that opened a world of possibilities and greatly enlarged my quest for the larger context of the soul’s mission.
His lecture on Jupiter, and all the interviews available on the Internet embody his profoundly human and joyful approach on this infinitely delicate topic of soul evolution.
I was thrilled that I had the chance to listen to my question answered during the Q&A session (thank you Steven for injecting me the faith in my power to psychoanalyse myself and others), and I found all the implications of Jupiter transiting Taurus he talked about as simultaneously on point and many doors opening. He is such a wonderful astrologer, one of whose warmth and love of humanity you can feel in everything he writes or speaks about.
The title of this review came after I briefly checked his natal chart, right before putting down these thoughts, and no surprise: I found his Jupiter sits next to his Sun, which absorbs that generous and high level consciousness... his Jupiter ruling his 10th house Virgo Saturn conjunct the MC and forming a beautiful mutual reception with his 3rd house Aquarian Mercury and ruling his 8th house Gemini Uranus... his Jupiter ruling his Sagittarian Venus… This marked Jupiter signature is present and can be felt in all I saw, hear or read from him, hence the title of the review.
Watching his lecture I took a capture of him, and, as he was dressed in a red shirt with a sky in the background, with all his humour, all his hope and faith in the power of the human soul and all his love of astrology, I thought “omg, he looks like a modern and playful god".
I recommend reading his books more than once and attend as many in-person classes, because I can assure you it will be a rare encounter, a true “canon event”, as my first house Jupiter son teached me recently.
I want to express here my Piscean gratitude for this Universe that brought us Steven.
Alex B, Bucharest, Romania