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    We take internet privacy and security very seriously. Seven Paws Press will NEVER give, sell or otherwise share your email address, other mailing addresses, your phone, fax or voice numbers, your credit card data, birth data or order history, to any third party for any reason.

    Our online ordering is secure. We do not store any credit card information whatsoever. Your name, address, phone, fax, credit card data, birth data, order information and any other information you gave us are all encrypted when they travel over the Internet. Only our staff has access to your orders (with the exception of your credit card information, which we do not store and cannot see). For maximum security, we recommend placing online orders by our secure online store rather than by email. If you prefer to order by phone, fax or snail mail, only our staff have access to that information.

    Our website logs statistics about its Internet traffic. Only our office staff has access to those logs. What sort of information is in them?

    1. Nothing personally traceable to you! Our site logs provide absolutely no way of knowing what your email address and password are. We leave no cookies or spyware on your computer. (For more about spyware and internet security, visit Gibson Research Corporation.)
    2. How many visitors our site gets per hour, day, week, month, and year, and how long our visitors spend on our site. This data helps us learn how popular our site is in general.
    3. What pages on our site were most visited and in what order per hour, day, week, month and year. This data helps us learn which pages on our site are most and least popular with our visitors.
    4. From what sites and search engines (and keywords) our visitors came to our site. This data helps us learn where we might consider advertising and what keywords are best to use.
    5. From what pages our visitors most often left our site. This data helps us learn what pages might need a makeover.
    6. What browsers our visitors use (we recommend Google Chrome).

    We use Google AdWords free conversion tracking feature to measure sales made via Google AdWords advertising.

    We appreciate your business, and we value your right to privacy. If you have any questions about our policies in this regard, please email the webmaster.

    -Seven Paws Press