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    Blog — General Astrology

    How to Calculate Progressed Angles

    How to Calculate Progressed Angles

    The Problem Calculating Progressed Angles

    by Steven Forrest

    How to progress the four angles? The question is difficult and in all honesty it lies on the far side of my own understanding of astrology’s various spherical coordinate systems.
    All the systems I know are based on progressing the Midheaven—somehow—then deriving the current Ascendant based on the latitude of the birth place.

    We can progress the MC by Solar Arc. In this method, see how far the Sun has progressed by standard “secondary progression” methods and then add that same number of degrees to the Midheaven. This is based on the familiar day-for-year method of progression. If the Sun has progressed 20° since you were born and your natal Midheaven is at 5° Aries then your progressed MC is currently passing through 25° Aries (5° + 20° = 25°).


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    Julie Andrews and the Moon Jupiter Conjuction

    Julie Andrews and the Moon Jupiter Conjuction

    by Tony Howard

    As a child of the 60s, I grew up on the The Sound of Music, which seems to have aired on TV at least once a year. Like many of you, I never grew tired of it, and looked forward to it every time (and still do!). The film’s release chart is of course, very interesting. But it is Julie Andrews’ lovely and memorable performance that provides the film’s backbone. Sure, the music is amazing. The cinematography and art direction is first-class. But just ask Carrie Underwood if the musical itself is a sure-fire recipe for success. (1) Unfortunately for Underwood, Julie Andrews emblazoned that character on our hearts and minds. And for good reason. With her natal Moon sextile Neptune and conjunct Jupiter, she was the perfect fit for this once-in-a-lifetime role embodying the Great Mother as an inspiration to generations of adoring fans.

    Let’s explore the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in more detail by looking at Julie Andrews’ role in The Sound of Music. Through the magic of synchronicity, actors are often attracted to roles that embody the strongest aspects in their birthcharts, which lead to their most memorable performances. Andrews is no exception.

    Jupiter has a reputation for being the planet of exuberant expansion, the Santa Claus planet dolling out good luck and blessings whenever it makes a harmonious aspect. Jupiter elevates whatever it touches, for better or worse. It is the planet that compels us to dream big, and reminds us to never underestimate ourselves.

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    Neptune in Pisces Timeline

    The following is a timeline of dates and notable events under the transit of Neptune in the sign Pisces.

    • 281 B.C. - 266 B.C.
      • First Punic War - Roma vs Carthage, 264 BC (ends in 241)
    • 117 B.C. - 102 B.C.
    • 47 AD - 61 AD.
      • Paul begins journeys in 45 A.D
      • 58 A.D - Emperor Ming-Ti intro’s Buddhism to China.
      • 61 A.D - Boudicca queen of Iceni defeated and killed by Seutonius Paulinus
    • 4/210 A.D. - 2/225 AD
    • 3/374 A.D. - 1/389 AD
      • Theodosius the Great, Emperor in East to 395.Roman Emperor from 379 to 395. Reuniting the eastern and western portions of the empire, Theodosius was the last emperor of both the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. After his death, the two parts split permanently. He is also known for making Nicene Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. In his early reign, Theodosius was fairly tolerant of the pagans, for he needed the support of the influential pagan ruling class. However he would in time stamp out the last vestiges of paganism with great severity.[12] His first attempt to inhibit paganism was in 381 when he reiterated Constantine's ban on sacrifice. In 384 he prohibited haruspicy (entrail-reading) on pain of death.

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