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    Blog — Uranus

    What Will Uranus in Taurus Bring?

    What Will Uranus in Taurus Bring?

    With its eighty-four year orbit, Uranus – the fabled Lord of Earthquakes and Lightning Bolts – enters a new sign of the zodiac about every seven years. As befits its dramatic title, when it enters a sign, any area of life connected with that symbol is due to hit some choppy air. Underlying the “chop,” however, is a deeper process: old, outdated structures are shaken to make way for breakthroughs and pulses of evolution. As befits the lightning bolt metaphor, these pulses can happen very rapidly. Like earthquakes, they can, in the blink of an eye, change the shape of the landscape forever.

    What does Uranus’ entry into Taurus portend for us, both as human societies and as individual beings? In this month’s newsletter, I want to wrestle with the “big picture” perspective – what this event means for the world. We are also simultaneously releasing a two-hour program I recorded regarding the event’s more personal dimensions.

    Before we stroll out on the thin ice of global prediction, let’s remember that of all the planets, Uranus is the least predictable. Seeing it arriving at a sensitive point in a client’s birthchart, many an astrologer suggests a strategy of “expecting the unexpected.”

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    Goodbye Aquarius Hello Pisces

    Goodbye Aquarius Hello Pisces

    by Steven Forrest

    “In like a lion, out like a lamb” is a proverb generally associated with the month of March.  Blame it on global warming, but I think we will see that happy transition occurring a little earlier this year, in February.  And I am not exactly talking about weather reports.  The warming trend I am expecting is in the human heart.  The month begins with an unusual concentration of energies in feisty, often-contrarian Aquarius. By mid-month, we begin to see a mass migration into milder Pisces.

    Let’s look at the astrological specifics for starters, then dive into their meaning and purpose.

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    Major Transits of 2017

    This month we have a special treat. In the video linked above, Steven talks about the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, one of the major transits of 2017. He also shares a few thoughts about Neptune in Pisces. We hope you enjoy the video.

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    Welcome to Discordia: The Current Uranus-Eris Conjunction

    Welcome to Discordia: The Current Uranus-Eris Conjunction

    by Steven Forrest

    If Pluto is a planet - and most astrologers, myself included, still say it is - then, like it or not, distant Eris is a planet too. The two bodies are about the same size. Both orbit in the dark deep-freeze beyond Neptune. We know all about Pluto’s direct impact on our lives. Most of us have scars to prove it. Should we expect anything less of Eris?

    The astrological jury may still be out on the power of Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, and the rest of the “trans-Neptunians.” But Eris is way bigger. I believe it is time to say that everyone who claims that the jury is still is out on Eris is just not paying attention. I also believe that its current explosive conjunction with Uranus underlies much of the chaos in the world’s current headlines. Notice how you can hardly post “have a nice day” on Facebook without someone drawing parallels between you and Adolph Hitler? That’s the fingerprint of Eris.

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    Don’t Tell Us What to Do! Uranus and Venus Retrograde

    Don’t Tell Us What to Do! Uranus and Venus Retrograde

    In this issue of the Forrest Astrology newsletter, Tony shares an open discussion about Uranus and Venus retrograde in the charts of Madonna and Miley Cyrus on the night of the taping of Miley's MTV Unplugged special. But first, a couple of updates...

    Today, as we enter the shadow period following Venus retrograde, we find ourselves in yet another shadow – the one just before Mercury retrograde, which kicks off officially with its station retrograde on February 6th or 7th (depending on your time zone). Completing the trio of personal planets, Mars joins this planetary backwards-day party on March 2, marking the first half of 2014 as a season of retrogrades.

    We tend to complain about retrogrades no matter when they occur. But having them at the start of the year goes against the natural logic of forward momentum that any new year carries with it. Instead of marching valiantly forward with our New Year goals, we’re encouraged to take a step back.

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    Transiting Uranus Through the Twelve Houses

    Transiting Uranus Through the Twelve Houses

    Uranus Transiting the First House 
    Get ready for a tremendous burst of individuation. Who we really are is in conflict with our biographical reality. The psyche demands resolution of this schism, and the resolution is typically quite dramatic. It involves conflict with figures of authority, major restructuring of relationships, and a lot of existential chaos.

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