November 2014 Newsletter - Mercury the Messenger
Mercury the Messenger
Steven is just back from his annual trip to China, and after a grueling travel schedule, we’re giving him a break from his newsletter-writing duties. But that doesn’t mean you won’t get your Steven fix this month. I’ve been busy editing some new audio for you and have just prepared not one, but THREE new releases-all on the planet Mercury. Details below.
Most of us know Mercury as the messenger planet, ruling the transmission of information, transport and translation. But Mercury also has to do with omens and synchronicities, a subject Steven explores in more depth in the new programs.
Mercury relates to the key conversations we have in which we receive and disseminate new information. Along that vein, Mercury relates to education, fact-collecting and reporting.
This fast-moving planet also has to with physical motion and speedy, chaotic developments that unfold in our lives.
Mercury’s Phases – The Hidden Dimension
Open up your interpretations of Mercury by incorporating its phase. Mercury can be understood through its relationship with the Sun and its visibility in the night sky. When Mercury is a “morning star” at birth, its function in our chart has a unique quality when compared to its “evening star” phase. We’ll unpack these differences as we review the technical specs of the Sun-Mercury relationship, including its retrograde cycle.
At first glance, Mercury may not seem as compelling to explore as the juicy outer planets like Pluto. But let’s not forget that mythologically, Mercury was the one god who could travel between the worlds, able to move through Pluto’s underworld with an all-access pass. So Mercury represents the vehicle that gives us awareness of that subterranean psychological domain. Without Mercury, Pluto would remain "under wraps" so to speak.
For that reason, ravens may very well fall under Mercury’s domain. In Native American culture, ravens bring messages and omens, usually of the Underworld variety. And rituals with ravens were enacted to clarify one’s visions.
In Norse mythology, ravens figure prominently as Hugin and Munin, or "thought" and "memory," Odin’s constant companions. I was first introduced to these characters in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comic book series. Gaiman is famous for weaving beloved mythological characters into imaginative new tales. As a side note, I highly recommend his latest book, The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
You might notice that even this brief jaunt through Mercury’s many meanings was rather, well, Mercurial. Jumping from topic to topic, a Mercurial person can sometimes be characterized as "all over the map." But I like to think we always get to the finish line – we just zig zag on our way there.
I hope you enjoy diving into Mercury with Steven this month. As usual, I’m here for any questions you have or extra support you might need.
Take care,
New Releases!
Getting to Know Mercury
The perfect introduction to the planet Mercury, in this lecture you’ll learn about Mercury’s associations with speed, thought, and communication, as well as its lesser-mentioned signification with omens. Learn how to work constructively with Mercurial information overload and how to watch for signs and synchronicities. The universe really is speaking to you everyday, and Mercury is your direct line.
Mercury through the 12 Signs
In this follow-up to Getting to Know Mercury, in this recording, Steven continues his exploration of Mercury with descriptions of its placement in each of the 12 signs.
Working Intentionally With Mercury
Join Steven for an extended look at the planet Mercury. Extending the ideas from his Purifying the Three Poisons lecture, you'll learn how to work intentionally with Mercury energy. As always, Steven describes both the high-functioning Mercury as well as the low, so that you can identify the patterns and steer things in the right direction.

Tony Howard graduated Summa Cum Laude in history and film from the University of Colorado. His degree turned out to be the perfect precursor to his career in astrology, where his focus includes historical research and chart analysis. His writing has been featured in The Mountain Astrologer and in two Flare anthologies: Astrology, the Next Generation and The Book of Music Horoscopes.
Tony has been researching declination since 2011 and specializes in “out of bounds” planets. He also loves working with and studying aspects, which forms the core of his work with clients. He is the founder of Astrology University.