The Uranus-Pluto Square, 2010-2016
In this video interview, Steven starts with the his thoughts on the much discussed Cardinal Sign T-Square of 2010, but also explores the seven exact squares of Pluto and Uranus in effect from June 2012 through March 2015.
He also references Pluto square Uranus which will be in range 2011 through 2015.
To learn more about the Uranus-Pluto square or how the T-Square configuration effects the natal chart, check out these webinars.
Harnessing the Power of Uranus Square Pluto

How can we best make use of this extraordinary and extreme field of energy, risk, and possibility? How can we harness the energy in a way that best serves our growth while avoiding obvious pitfalls? And how can we recognize when we're on the right track? Join Steven in an exploration of these rich questions that will leave you feeling more confident in identifying and working with the patterns at play, for yourself and for your clients or loved ones.
The Mighty T-Square
The might t-square: formed by two planets in opposition and a third one squaring both. By traditional astrological standards, this must surely be the aspect from Hell! With this formation in our charts, are we doomed to be constantly at crossed-purposes with ourselves? While that is surely a possibility, there is a higher ground.
Join Steven for an exploration of a set of skill means by which we can harness this incredible, driven power, and use it to climb mountains.