The Wise Old Astrologer
There are many challenges connected with being a professional astrologer, but blessedly getting older is not one of them. Unlike runway models, athletes, and rock stars, a few “credibility lines” on the face only enhance our plausibility in the role.
Another plus is that, the older you get, the more transits you have personally experienced. No one asks a teenager about the second Saturn return! Let’s celebrate this under-appreciated dimension of our field. Not old yet? Well, maybe you aspire to be . . .
We hope you enjoy this keynote presentation from the 2013 NORWAC conference.
Your Second Saturn Return Webinar
Here we go again! You're about to turn 60 and it's time for your second Saturn Return. Saturn is completing another 30 year spin around your natal chart. It's time to acknowledge your accomplishments, and take survey of your experience. But there are potential and classic pitfalls to watch out for during this important and universally experienced cycle. But don't worry! In this presentation Steven provides expert guidance and wisdom that will help you navigate the territory successfully.