Venus in the 12 Zodiac Signs
Preview from the full-length video Venus Through the 12 Signs. Take a journey with Steven through the houses according to Venus. This talk is great for anyone wanting to learn a little more about the sign placement of their natal Venus. Also great for students who would like an introduction to the way Venus might express through each of the 12 zodiac signs.
To learn more about Venus, order this complete talk:
Venus Through the 12 Signs
Take a journey with Steven through the houses according to Venus. This talk is great for anyone wanting to learn a little more about the sign placement of their natal Venus. Also great for students who would like an introduction to the way Venus might express through each of the 12 zodiac signs.
60 min. Buy now: MP3 Audio Download, MP4 Video Download
You might also enjoy this talk about the progressed Venus.
The Progressed Venus
From grammar school "crushes" to the rich complexity of a mature friendship or marriage in middle life, we observe extraordinarily rapid evolution in terms of the meaning of the word "love" over a lifetime: the very phenomenon which the progressed Venus measures. And, through the principle of synchronicity, each of those evolutionary steps is typically matched in the outer world by "chance" meetings and intimate changes.
Get started working with the progressions of Venus in this conference lecture with Steven Forrest.