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    Planetary Cycles of the Biopsychic Script

    Planetary Cycles of the Biopsychic Script

    The biopsychic script refers to astrological events that are marked by key moments in our evolutionary development which we all share and have culturally identified, such as midlife, or retirement. Below is a list of the key cycles we can track, including the cycle length and planet involved. Spend some time looking at these dates in your own birth chart, and notice what you discover!


    Cycle Length: 7.997 years. Notes: In only two days, eight hours short of exactly eight years, Venus completes its pentangle and returns to Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at a point two or three degrees earlier in the zodiac than it was when the cycle began. Count eight year intervals forward two ways: from the date of birth and from the date of the previous Inferior Conjunction. They often coincide closely with intimate relational turning points.

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    Excerpt from Astrology-Wave Feature

    You’ll find Sun Sign video descriptions available at the new website Here is an introduction to the videos you’ll find at

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    Steven's Band Dragonship Created a Rock Opera

    Rock opera based on the novel by Jodie Forrest. Music composed by Steven Forrest. Cassette jacket art: Mike Roig. Cassette’s music performed by  Steven Forrest, Jodie Forrest, Dragonship members-emeritus: Michael Chandler; Mike Roig; and  Linda Smith; and by guest artist Robert Griffin. June, 2005 – Dragonship is now:  Steven Forrest, guitar, vocals; Jodie Forrest, keyboard, …

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    Astronomy Corner January 2010

    What's overhead this month in the Northern hemisphere?

    Note: The constellation names given are for the planets' astronomical positions overhead. Their zodiacal, astrological positions in the tropical zodiac used by most Western (as opposed to Vedic) astrologers run about 23 degrees later in the zodiac than their astronomical positions. So if you have a current issue of Astronomy magazine, or another viewfinder for the February sky, a quick-and-dirty rule of thumb is to look for the planet in the sky about one sign/constellation before the sign/constellation that planet is transiting through in your birth chart/in the zodiac.

    In the evening:
    You can see Mars in the east in Cancer, Venus in the west in Capricorn/Aquarius, and Jupiter in the west in Aquarius. Reddish Mars is particularly bright all month, and won't be so large or luminous in a telescope again until 2014, so if you don't have a telescope, grab your binoculars.

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    January 2010 Newsletter

    As I've mentioned here before, we are 3/5ths of the way through a pattern of five oppositions of Saturn and Uranus:

    * on 11/04/08 at 19 Virgo (Saturn) -Pisces (Uranus)
    * on 2/5/09 at 20 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 09/15/09 at 25 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 4/24/2010 at 29 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 7/26/2010 at 1 Libra-Capricorn

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    Single Sky Sample Report

    “The Single Sky” relationship sample report for Venus Williams Jun. 17, 1980, 2:12 PM PDT; Zone +08:00, Lynwood CA, 118W12’00” 35N55’00” (note: our source for her birth data is AstroDataBank, Rodden data classification A) Planets within 1.5 degree orbs of the following house cusp are displayed and interpreted as being in that house, except the …

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    Sample Heaven Knows What Report

    Heaven Knows What Sample Report birth chart analysis for Donald H. Rumsfeld  Jul. 9, 1932, 5:40:00 PM CDT  +05:00, Chicago IL, 074W16’00”  40N15’00” (note: our source for his birth data is AstroDataBank, Rodden data classification A) Planets within 1.5 degree orbs of the following house cusp are displayed and interpreted as being in that house, …

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    Sample Sky Within Report

    Sample Sky Within Report
    The Sky Within Sample Report birth chart analysis for Bruce Springsteen Sep. 23, 1949, 10:50:00 PM EDT +04:00, Freehold, NJ, 074W16’00” 40N15’00” (Source: AstroDataBank, Rodden data classification A) Planets within 1.5 degree orbs of the following house cusp are displayed and interpreted as being in that house, except the Ascendant which uses 3 degrees. Orb …

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    Saturn Opposite Uranus

    Hello, and welcome to our newsletter. We're closing in on the winter solstice, with shorter days and longer nights, and the desert nights are more clear and starry than ever.

    As we've mentioned here before, we are 3/5ths of the way through a pattern of five oppositions of Saturn and Uranus:

    * on 11/04/08 at 19 Virgo (Saturn) -Pisces (Uranus)
    * on 2/5/09 at 20 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 09/15/09 at 25 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 4/24/2010 at 29 Virgo-Pisces
    * on 7/26/2010 at 1 Libra-Capricorn

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